(This post has not been written completely yet)
This post should be read together with post 101.
In the statistics, we may study the shapes of melodic themes bu the polarity of them (similar to the polarity of chords as Power-chords=neutral major chords=positive minor or more exotic chords=negative).
The 3 polarities +, - 0 of a melodic theme, and the 3 basic shapes of them: Expansion, Contraction and Cycles. Ascending, Descending Stationary.
The 3 polarities + , -, 0 , are the correspondent to the melodic themes that the chord types major, minor and power chord are for harmonic triads.
The 3 basic shapes of them: Expansion, Contraction and Cycles, are the correspondent to the melodic themes that the chord extension types like with 4th, with 6th with 7nth are for harmonic triads.
The 9 , 2-moves shapes are the
a) With + or - polarity
1) Straight 1 move
2) Overacting expansion
3) Counter reaction contracting
b) With 0 polarity
4) Isocratic (flat vector)
5) Upper cycle
6) Lower cycle
The 12 , 3-moves shapes are
1) Strong expansion
2) Mid expansion
3)Strong contraction
4) Mid contraction
5) Counter strong expansion up or down
6) Upper or down wave.
In total 21 shapes of 2 or 3 moves.
If we do not count as different the + or - polarities then we have only 11 shapes
If we do not count as different the + or - polarities then we have only 11 shapes
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